Opportunities to Partner with Us

A Kingdom-Investment Opportunity

We are asking you to prayerfully consider making a kingdom-investment by partnering with us through prayer and financial partnership. Through church planting the Kingdom of God advances and pierces through the dominion of darkness, as people come to know Christ and experience the forgiveness of their sins (Col. 1:13–14). As you give financially you partner and actually participate in the advancement of the gospel (Philippians 1:5–7).

Prayer for this church plant is nothing less than waging spiritual war to see the Kingdom of God advance in Charlotte and specifically Myers Park (Ephesians 6:11–19). For the Kingdom to advance in Myers Park are seeking churches and individuals to financially partner with us in this strategical work.

Our team estimates that it will take around five years for this new church plant to become an established church that is financially self-sustained by its local members and functionally self-governed by its local church elders.

Over the next five years we anticipate internal giving will increase and external giving will decrease concurrently over time (external being highest in year 1 & lowest in year 5; internal being lowest in year 1 & highest in year 5).

We need to raise at least half of our total expenses through external giving—an average of $250,000 per/year for five years. Our budget was developed in consultation with Geneva Benefits (a ministry of the PCA), members of the Central Carolina Presbytery Mission’s Committee, and the church plant’s oversight commission of elders.

Seeking Kingdom-Partners in Phase One Goal

The PCA requires us to raise $250,000 in pledged/committed financial support prior to moving to the field (one year of external giving). Therefore, we are asking you to prayerfully consider making a kingdom-investment by partnering with us in reaching this Phase 1 Goal of $250,000 in pledged/committed financial support so that we can move to Charlotte and begin ministering on the ground there.

We would love to personally share the vision for the Myers Park plant with you and to give you the opportunity pray about partnering with us financially, potentially in one of the following ways:

Three Ways to Give

Give Online

You can give directly through Mission to North America to an account set up specifically for Greg and Christie and the Myers Park Initiative. MNA will send you giving statements each January and does not charge us any processing fees!

Give By Mail

Send a check or money order payable to MNA. Mail to:

Mission to North America PO Box 890233 Charlotte, NC 28289-0233

Designate the recipient and church plant with an accompanying note, indicating Greg Salazar-#1989 and Myers Park Mission Church.


Text-to-Give is way to give to our account with Mission to North America you might find convenient.
To give, text “MNA 1989” to the phone number 76959 and follow the prompts.

What Percentage of the Required Phase One Goal Have You Raised?

Through the generous partnership with several financial partners eager to see us meet our Phase 1 goal, we have already raised 25% of our Phase 1 goal of $250,000! Praise the Lord!

When Do You Hope To Reach This Phase 1 Goal And Move To The Field?

We are eager to move to Charlotte as soon as possible and begin ministering there. We are praying we might be able to move as early as the middle of Fall. If not by then, we are hoping we will have reached our Phase 1 goal by the end of 2024, so we can move to Charlotte over the Christmas break and our kids to start school at the beginning of the 2025 Spring semester. All that said, we are in this for the long-run and committed to waiting however long is needed to for God to open up the door for us to begin living and ministering in Charlotte.

Where is Your Family Living While Working to Reach This Phase 1 Goal?

We are in the process of selling our home in Savannah/Pooler, GA. Once our house sells we will move from the Savannah area to Orlando, FL and will live in Orlando at Christie’s family home while we raise the $250,000 in financial support require to move to the field.