
Prayers for Our Family

  • That our family would depend on God moment by moment, day by day.
  • Many of you know that Christie is pregnant with our fifth child. Please pray that Christie and our baby Ellie-Grace would continue to be healthy.
  • For a safe delivery of our new baby in the next few weeks (our doctors anticipate that she will be induced at 38 weeks, around July 25th.
  • That our home in Savannah would sell quickly.
  • For a smooth transition from our house in Savannah to living Orlando. We will live in Orlando with Christie’s family while we raise the $250,000 in financial support require to move to the field.
  • That God will provide the remaining need of $186,300 in pledged support to meet our Phase 1 goal and move to Charlotte and begin ministering on the ground there.

Prayers for Church Leadership

  • Pray unity and joy as we serve together on this commission
  • Pray for humility in current and future leadership as we follow our servant-king. That we would not think highly of ourselves, but of others and prioritizing others’ needs.

Prayers for Our Church

  • For church health for the Myers Park Church Plant from the beginning.
  • For the hearts of those who we will share the gospel with in Myers Park.
  • That God would raise up and cultivate a missional community from the beginning that is eager to see unbelievers come to know Christ and see people come to a deeper relationship with Christ through this church.